31 October 2012


Learn more about Halloween!

Garfield's Scary Scavenger Hunt


  • the story of Halloween
watch the video at "history channel"
Or read this :
For thousands of years people have been celebrating different holidays and festivals at the end of October. The Celts celebrated it as Samhain (pronounced "sow-in", with "sow" rhyming with cow).

The Celts believed that every year on the last day of October, the souls of the dead visited the earth.
When the Romans conquered the Celts in the first century A.D., they added parts of their festivals, Feralia and Pomona to the tradition. Feralia was a festival to honor the dead and Pomona was a harvest festival named after the goddess of fruit (apples) and trees.
Around the eighth century, the Christian church made November 1 All Saints' Day to honor all of the saints that didn't have a special day of their own. Over the years these festivals combined, the mass held on All Saints' Day was called Allhallowmas (the mass of all Hallows - saintly people). The night before was known as All Hallows Eve. Eventually this name became Halloween.
In the 1800s, as a lot of people emigrated to the U.S., the holidays and traditions of different cultures merged. Halloween was not always a happy time. October 31, or the night before took on other names. Some called it Devil's or Hell night, to others it was mischief night. To some people this became a time to play tricks on others. Some of these tricks were not fun at all. Luckily, community groups and individuals took action and started to change Halloween into a family event. Dressing up in costumes and going "trick or treating", costume parades, community parties and Fall festivals are some of the ways that Halloween is celebrated today.
( information from Ben and Jerry's Halloween)

  • activities related to Halloween

( lot of games here!)

Halloween Hangman created by The Dimension's Edge, Inc. (a scary hangman here! "le pendu!")
have a look at this site, there are many e-cards ( cards you can send vi e-mail)
my favorite CARD is here
  • Halloween sounds
click here: Curlys Spooky Halloween Sounds
click here : Haunted Bay sounds

happy halloween 4 Pictures, Images and Photos

22 October 2012

The Houses of Parliament and Big ben

  1. Image à commenter (p 8&9)
what is this? this is a river...
  1. CDn°15
les phrases sont elles correctes? Yes or no?
  1. Online visit : the Parliament!

Exercices The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben (p8&9) ≈5 min

Compléter la fiche!

Imprimer À faire à l'issue de la séance Pour aller plus loin Virtual Visit! Non comptabilisé Cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous pour en savoir plus.... Vous pouvez visiter l'intérieur du parlement en cliquant ici! Big Ben et le mécanisme de l'horloge! une vidéo pour visiter l'intérieur de Big Ben (on monte 344 marches!) ci-dessous, une vidéo un peu plus courte (2 min45)

27 September 2012

élection des délégués-élèves

élection des délégués élèves

L'élection des délégués élèves en 6ème vert aura lieu le mardi 2 octobre.

jeudi 27/09, en classe:

  • rappel du rôle d'un délégué, droits et devoirs
  • les qualités nécessaires pour être délégué
  • comment se passe l'election
  • les candidatures
(lettre à compléter par le candidat délégué et le candidat suppléant pour lundi 1/10)

16 September 2012

Choose a name!

Chaque année, je demande à mes élèves de choisir un nouveau prénom d'origine anglophone. Voici quelques sites qui peuvent vous donner des idées!
  • behind the name les prénoms les plus populaires aux Etats-Unis, en Angleterre, en Ecosse... classés par année!
  • liste de prénoms anglais sur wikipédia
  • meilleursprenoms.com
  •  voici une liste de prénoms pour les filles, et les garçons!

  • Une fois que vous avez choisi un prénom, vous pouvez aller sur un des sites ci-dessous qui va le "lire" tout haut!  

Get a Voki now!

13 June 2012

flashmobs tutorials!

  • Beat it, Michael Jackson

  • Waka waka, Shakira

14 February 2012

Bruno Mars - Marry you

a love song for Valentine's Day!

entraînez vous à chanter en karaoke!

13 February 2012

COMPARATIVE Form - le comparatif -mémo

Un mémo simplifié pour savoir comment former le comparatif en anglais!

7 February 2012

COMPARATIVES - le comparatif

Online acivities to learn how to make comparisons in English
des activités en ligne pour apprendre à faire des comparaisons en anglais
  •  comparatives :multiple choice answers

  • comparatives AND superlatives!

31 January 2012


  • Vocabulary (listen and learn!)

  • interactive pirate game ! answer the questions  
family quiz @  eslkidsworld.com
  •  interactive wordsearch
family wordsearch @abcteach.com
  •  listening quiz
 my family @ Inglès para Educacion Primaria
  •  family vocabulary, exercises and games (choose lesson n°8!!)
 family activities @linguasnet.com
  • online wordsearch
family wordsearch @LearnEnglishKids.BritishCouncil.org
(some websites found on michellehenry.com and besbellotic.blogspot.com )